“When was the last time you experienced magic?”

“When was the last time you experienced magic?”

It was a question posed by author Suzanne de Malplaquet’s at the launch of her book “Eddie Motion and the Tangible Magik” last Wednesday evening that until now, I still don’t have a definitive answer for. It stayed with me long after I’ve left the book party, and if I’m honest it’s still haunting me even as I write this.

She goes on to say that we all need magic in our own way and it was up to us to create that within ourselves in our lives. What could you do to bring magic back to your life?

Magic is the foundation upon which her new book, “Eddie Motion and the Tangible Magik” was built. The hero of this story is Eddie Motion, who is unlike other boys. He knows exactly what people are thinking and feeling even without them saying a word. So when a disturbing event happens in school, Eddie goes on an adventure to a strange land to find answers that will save his mother’s life. Eddie has never been just an ordinary boy, but it’s not until he visits his mother’s homeland of Andalustria that he discovers just truly ‘magikal’ he is.

Along with his best friend Melody, the two embark into a journey to an enchanted world where nothing is as it seems. It’s in this adventure where they discover who they truly are and unearth the importance of accepting themselves as they are and learn how to create balance between their feelings and their thoughts.

Although the book is aimed at a younger demographic, it is the kind of book that us oldies can enjoy too. I finished it within days and it was a joy to escape to Eddie and Melody’s world for a bit. I love that Suzanne not only wrote about this new, magical world, but also offered really practical ways on how to navigate life. This book is a much-needed reminder of magic not just out there but within ourselves too.

Already an Amazon bestseller, “Eddie Motion and the Tangible Magik “ is available in bookstores now.



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