Motivate Me: Embracing the Struggle

This was shared with me a while ago and I now have it printed out and on my wall, so I wanted to pass it on to you…

Decades ago, Theodore Roosevelt called his fellow Americans to embrace the strenuous life. He called for them to seek struggle and to avoid ease. He saw that life, not only success, is found in a strenuous life, and that death and a life wasted is found and created in an easy life.

To truly live a successful life, one filled with action, purpose and growth, we have to gravitate toward, and embrace, pain and struggle. We have to push ourselves beyond what we can currently accomplish, so we can accomplish greater things tomorrow.

To avoid the struggle is to be ignorant of not only the battle being waged by an unseen enemy in our lives, but to avoid life.

Next time you feel yourself being pulled toward weakness, or giving into the part of your mind that wants you to stay small, acknowledge the battle, don’t avoid it. It’s real, and it’s a matter of life or death.

If you fight, you’re rewarded with the strength and courage you need to live a legendary life, if you avoid the fight, you take the road that millions take everyday: that of a small life lived in fear, insignificance and a betrayal of the potential we all possess, in favor of the coward too many settle down and become.



Kimberley Crossman
Kimberley Crossman

Kimberley Crossman is a kiwi actress, author, and presenter. Oh and you are currently on her website reading a blog she has written.

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