Kimberley’s Blog: Tourist time in LA

Hey team,

I have been lucky enough to have one of my best friends and business partners Alana staying with me for the past couple of weeks.

Honestly it was the best feeling having a friend from home who has known me for so long here for what has been some of the craziest weeks to date in LA.  Sometimes life is funny how things just ‘work out’ and how the timing of certain things works out for the best.

We managed to fit in some tourist trips such as Disney and Universal and ate almost everywhere on our LA list, Pinks, In and Out and Umami Burger. The highlight for me was spending time showing her what my life is like here in LA, the fact that no day is the same, routine is a word that doesn’t exist and showing her first hand how quickly this city can move, especially in my industry.

I have some exciting opportunities coming up with auditions and filming for AfterBuzz is going great. I am now the lead host on the Marco Polo show and our SNL show is rating really well too.

Check out our latest Marco Polo ep here:


Another project we are working on is a pilot that Katie and I are writing with Kicked to the Curb Productions. We had our first table read which was 100% a pinch myself moment. Hearing our show out loud was pretty exciting and brings us another step closer to having a finished product!

Hope you have all had a great week

Kimberley xx



Kimberley Crossman
Kimberley Crossman

Kimberley Crossman is a kiwi actress, author, and presenter. Oh and you are currently on her website reading a blog she has written.

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