Kimberley’s Blog: #staystrongbrad

Hey team,

You know the feeling sometimes when you hear some news and it throws you. You find out that something has happened to someone or a close friend or family member passes away and it just has an impact on you.

This week has been one of those weeks for me. Earlier this week a good friend and amazing athlete had a horrible accident. Brad and I met in 2006 and he is one of the most talented people I know, with the biggest heart and even bigger smile and a huge passion for his sport, wakeboarding.

Brad suffered a serve injury to his neck shattering his C4 vertebrae leaving him at this stage as a quadriplegic and a 1 – 2 % chance he may ever regain motor skills to the top half of his body. I know Brad well and know that he is a fighter and with the support of family and friends he will be working hard mentally to heal and make a recovery from this tragic accident.

As I said earlier in this blog the news came as such a shock to me as it did to the wakeboarding community and to those who may have met Brad. I guess it is one of life’s ‘suddenly’s’ that happen without warning and throw everyone off guard, leaving us with a heavy heart. I know so many people experience this sadness in life and it is something we can all relate to.

One of the biggest things I admire about Brad is his determination and drive in his pursuit of wakeboarding. Despite setbacks, he never gave up and that is something that we can all be better at.

It has been encouraging to hear so many success stories from people who have had experiences with these sorts of injuries this week and that gives me hope that there will be a light for Brad that he can focus on. He is worth fighting for, he is a great man, a wonderful friend to so many and a phenomenal wakeboarder. He deserves to have the best care and the best people around him.

Along with many others, I am determined to help where I can on Brad’s journey to recovery which is partly why I am writing this blog. If you feel it in your hearts you can read more about Brad’s story and donate to his recovery or you can find out more about a fundraising concert that is being organized.

Thank you so much for your support. Please keep Brad and his family in your thoughts and prayers.

Have a lovely day team,
Kimberley xx




Kimberley Crossman
Kimberley Crossman

Kimberley Crossman is a kiwi actress, author, and presenter. Oh and you are currently on her website reading a blog she has written.

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