Kimberley’s Blog: Hello LA!

Hey team,

Hope your week is off to a great start.

I am now back in LA and in true LA fashion it has been full on and unpredictable in the best way. Sitting on the beach looking out over the water with peace and quite in New Zealand now seems like a distant memory as I am back in the fast paced, loud hustle and bustle of this ever moving city. It is nice to be back into the audition circuit and to see everyone who has now become my little urban family.

Auditions in week one went really well with an exciting call back already and beginning production meetings for my next film. My goal has been to take on new and exciting roles that stretch me as an actress and this next role will do that. We are filming under what might be the harshest terrain I have encountered for a project – very exciting.

To welcome everyone in to the New Year and get together, Katie and I had our friends over for dinner last night. It was a huge success, at one point I was actually crying from laughing so much – a good problem to have.

I am missing my family already back in New Zealand but I am comforted by the great feeling and energy here in LA about 2015 and the exciting adventures it will bring me.

Hope you are feeling the same.

Kimberley xx



Kimberley Crossman
Kimberley Crossman

Kimberley Crossman is a kiwi actress, author, and presenter. Oh and you are currently on her website reading a blog she has written.

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