Kimberley’s Blog: Back to work

Hey team,

Back in to work and loving every minute of it. I started filming for Step Dave again this week after a few weeks of rest and relaxation.

Well, if I’m honest more like a few weeks of action packed fun at the beach. There was very little relaxation, which is perfect as I am not too good at sitting still.

We are now well into filming the series and only a few weeks away from launch. I can’t wait for you all to see the show.

I worked with some of the younger cast this week, which was great. Usually I am the baby on set in most of my scenes so to be the eldest was really exciting and a new experience.

I had one day off and slipped away to the Cormandel for a night as my family are still down there and I want to make the most of my time with them before I head back to LA. I love being by the beach. I recommend if you are able to make little day trips, do it. Being outdoors in our beautiful country is so good for your mind, body and soul.

What have you been up to this week? How are your goals for 2014 coming along? I would love for you to share.

Lots of love,




Kimberley Crossman
Kimberley Crossman

Kimberley Crossman is a kiwi actress, author, and presenter. Oh and you are currently on her website reading a blog she has written.

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