Kimberley’s Blog: An ever changing week

Hey team,

How has your week been?

I have had one of those weeks where no matter how hard I tried, I felt like I was two steps behind where I needed to be. You know those weeks where you are treading water as nothing you planned happens, you get lumped with changes almost every five minutes and you still need to be performing at your best. I know that everyone can relate. My question is, when you feel your week heading in this direction, how do you adjust? When there is a light at the end of the tunnel but it is a few days away and you are in the thick of having lots of balls up in the air, other people relying on you and not enough time to physically get everything done, unless you trade your precious few hours for sleep? Does anyone have the solution?

My solution was just to push through. I did. But did not at all perform at my optimum level at all. Some might suggest time management, I agree, but when things change on you in so many areas last minute sometimes this can be almost impossible.

I noticed it was my attitude that was my enemy not my friend this week. I was frustrating myself with a short fuse, feeling sensitive and just tired in general. I needed more sleep and I knew it.  Rant over…..but I’m sure you can relate! I did want to discuss this, as I am curious as to what your method or approach is when you are experiencing stress or a week of this type of activity?

On reflection and some much needed catch up sleep, my week was actually fantastic. It was manic, but fantastic. I spent most of it in a classroom learning more about comedy, a great way to spend my days and also took some workshops with casting directors here in LA. The best token I took from this week was about fear, “Actors make huge life choices, like to move to LA, then they go in to audition rooms and make safe choices, hoping to book a role. Safe doesn’t book jobs. Stand out.”  I think this is not only true with acting but also anything in life. Make bold choices and push the boundaries… and get enough sleep!

Kimberley xx



Sophie Barker
Sophie Barker

Discovering awesome new tunes and the latest makeup trends are my main areas of expertise.I love being able to share with you all my favourite entertainment and beauty finds- If you have any questions regarding Beauty, Skincare and Entertainment don’t hesitate to get in touch! :)

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