How To Valentine’s Day No Matter If You’re Single, Coupled Up, or Not Really Into Valentine’s Day

Say what you want about Valentine’s Day but personally I think that any time we consciously take a moment to celebrate love is a good thing. With all the negative things going on around the world, it’s easy to forget about the little things that make our lives wonderful and magical. To me that’s love in whatever form that may take. Loving your pets, family, friends, significant others, yourself, or even loving your life, your job, how the sun is shining brightly against clear blue skies – one of the great things about ‘love’ is that it’s broad in meaning and so personal.

Whether you’re flying solo, coupled up, gathering the gals, or not celebrating at all, here are some date night ideas for Feb 14.

Flying Solo

I dare you to send yourself flowers. I’m serious. It may seem easy or simple, but knowing that you don’t need anyone else to give you something pretty like a bunch of roses is one of the most empowering things we can do for ourselves. Especially on a day like Valentine’s Day where flowers are sold in every corner! Pick yourself up a little bouquet on Wednesday. You deserve it. If you’re in a ‘treat yourself’ kind of mood, why not get a relaxing massage or splurge on something you’ve been eyeing up for ages?

Going out by yourself need not depressing. In fact, it should be the opposite of that. Learning to enjoy your own company is so essential, because at the end of the day, all we really have is ourselves. The best part? You can do whatever the heck you please!

Wanna go see your favourite movie for the second time at the cinema? Go for gold! Want to just chill out in pyjamas with some takeaway and binge watch your TV series of choice? Heck yeah!

Anything goes when you’re in control.

Coupled Up 

If you’re thinking about going out for dinner on Valentine’s Day with your significant other, may I suggest that you (metaphorically) put this article down and book a restaurant ASAP? Valentine’s Day is notoriously busy (especially for dinner!) and if you live in a busy city, you may want to secure your spot now and not leave it to the last minute! I’m a big fan of playing tourist in your own city, so if there’s a restaurant that you’ve always wanted to try, now is a great time to do so.

Fancy staying in and avoiding the Valentine’s Day crowd? Fair enough. I think you should take the concept of a ‘staycation’ further by building a fort together. I mean, what’s more romantic than pulling out your cosiest blankets to make a fort you can escape in? Fairy lights add to the ambiance and makes it extra special! I personally love the idea of making dinner together and think the simple act of preparing a meal is so underrated. What’s better than food? Food you make with your favourite person ever. Isn’t that the beauty of being one half of a couple? The fact that the simplest of things in our everyday lives are made special when shared with the person we love the most.

If you’re keen to do Galentines…

Round up the gals for a mid-week gathering! Galentine’s is well and truly a thing in 2018, after all. I’ve had several years of Galentine’s, each occasion so different from the last.

There was the year where I really did not want to be alone on the day so I recruited my best friend to eat a crapload of chicken nuggets with me while drinking vodka cruisers and watching some romcoms. It ended up being a great evening with a midnight trip to our local Mcdonald’s for good measure.

Then there was the Galentine’s where we decided to be fancy and prepare a three-course dinner ourselves. We had it at my friend’s apartment right in the middle of the city. The place was decked out with flowers and pink table setting. The wine was flowing and the food was gourmet. It felt very Sex and the City with the four of us getting dressed up in our nicest threads and exchanging little presents!

I also remember a few years ago when Valentine’s Day happened to fall on a Sunday. It was more of a daytime Galentine’s for us. We had a late brunch, took photos for the ‘gram (#galentinesday, of course), did a bit of shopping, and exchanged presents! I still remember getting a jar filled with little hearts and confetti with quotes about love – a gift I still keep to this day.

I don’t know about you, but my friends are who keeps me sane through thick and think. Romantic relationships may come and go, but friendship is forever! Galentine’s is just another day to celebrate the people who have our backs and love us even if we force them to eat a crapload of chicken nuggets and drive to Mcdonald’s at 12 am.

If you’re not really into Valentine’s Day…

Don’t worry – I didn’t forget about you! Actually, just carry on. You’re doing amazing sweetie! Even if it’s just another Wednesday to you, I really hope it’s a good one. A bit of self-care never hurt anybody so treat yourself to something you want – even if it’s just an extra hour of sleep!

I haven’t got a lot of plans for the day this year given that it’s a Wednesday and I’ll be at work, but I’m looking forward to hanging out with my family, eating good food, and watching a movie. I think I’ll be that girl this year too and bring in some treats to share for morning tea in the office!

Whatever you end up doing on the day, whether you decide to celebrate it or not, I hope you take a moment to appreciate the love that’s in your life, not just today but everyday from here on forward.




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