Hair Care Special

We girls love our hair! It’s one part of our appearance that we have so much control over; from the colour to the cut, we can continuously choose its appearance. Getting a new hairstyle can make you feel like new!

The downside is that bad hair days can feel like the end of the world. I never feel quite as confident when my hair is looking unkempt or oily. There’s just something about having nice, smooth hair that makes me feel twice as calm and collected!

If you’re in the same boat as me, then here are some tips that will help you avoid bad hair days – or at the very least, fight against them!

– Wash your hair the night before if you have an early start!

If my hair needs a wash and I am getting up early the next morning, then I like to wash it the night before, so that I don’t have to waste time blow-drying and then frantically trying to make it sit nice! Plus I love waking up with soft, smooth hair – it’s so much easier to style and feels lovely.


– Don’t brush your hair when it is wet

 Use a comb! Otherwise you’ll get awful split ends, which are frizz’s worst enemy.


– Embrace what you’ve got

As the old saying goes, you always want what you don’t have. I have straight thick blonde hair, but what I really want is curly auburn hair! Yet every girl with curly hair is envious of mine. Why don’t we all embrace the hair type that we’ve got? Curly haired gals, enjoy the natural volume that keeps your hair looking healthy and as for you with straight hair, be thankful you don’t have to worry about frizz!


- Use a headscarf

If your hair simply won’t sit straight or look any good, then try popping on a head scarf or wearing a cute head band… they will totally distract anyone from thinking your hair is looking limp – in fact they will probably comment on how nice it looks instead.


- Take a raincoat/umbrella on rainy days

Rain is hairs worst enemy. If you predict rain, take a raincoat or an umbrella to keep your hair nice and dry. Rain can often make it look tired and greasy. Also, in windy weather try wearing it up, or in a French plait, to keep it tidy and out of your face.




Jess O'Connor
Jess O'Connor

A self-described ‘creative bookworm with an overactive imagination’, Jess is a freelance writer based in Auckland. She loves reading, writing, travelling, cooking and lazy days at the beach.

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