Kimberley’s Blog: The week that was….

Hello, hello,

This year was named the year of no fear. I can honestly tell you that this past week has been so full of adventures that I have begun to feel what magic it is to really just dive in and give things a go. It is exhilarating and joyful and makes you feel alive.

I spent this past week with my Dad in far North Queensland. I don’t spend a lot of time with my father so I cherish every moment we have. Plus the majority of our time together is spent showing off and laughing hysterically. The goal was to create some memories, try new things and enjoy the stunning environment that is Port Douglas. It really is a magical place, where the rainforest meets the coral reef.

I am a huge animal lover and I almost cried with joy after spending an entire day with so many different animals at the Wildlife Habitat. I held koalas, snakes, crocs, stick insects, birds, lizards and kangaroos to name a few. Learning about each of these animals and having these encounters was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. They were all so beautiful and fascinating.

The Great Barrier Reef was the other epic adventure we tackled. Swimming with sharks, diving and snorkeling to get as involved in the underwater circus as we could. Conveniently arriving the day after the coral begins to spawn, which only happens once a year – great timing Kim! There was loads of activity under the surface and it really was quite an experience being able to see it all up close and personal. I had never seen sharks in the wild before, they are so beautiful and majestic. I must have been a little overwhelmed, I went through more oxygen in my tank than anyone else ha ha.

I remember reading a few quotes about travelling, ‘not all those that wonder are lost’ and ‘we must adventure and travel to know where we truly belong’. I thought of these often over this past week. I learn a lot about myself by putting myself in new situations with new people or new environments and seeing how I react and act. I am becoming addicted to trying new things and seeing what I learn and I love it.


Kimberley xx



Sophie Barker
Sophie Barker

Discovering awesome new tunes and the latest makeup trends are my main areas of expertise.I love being able to share with you all my favourite entertainment and beauty finds- If you have any questions regarding Beauty, Skincare and Entertainment don’t hesitate to get in touch! :)

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