Kimberley’s Blog: Happy Easter

Hey team,

Hope you had a wonderful Easter? I have had a very eventful weekend in LA and have enjoyed every minute of it.

The weekend kicked off with a trip to the happiest place on earth and my fav hang out spot, Disneyland. I went with two friends from NZ who were visiting. It was almost midnight by the time I was dragged out of the park/ The fireworks were the highlight and the nausea that set in post the tea cup ride would have to be the lowlight of the day. Every time I go to Disney, I feel so inspired and excited, I may have found my spiritual home.

Saturday was spent at Santa Monica beach with a group of friends. We definitely made the most of the day and welcomed the warm weather with open arms. We played volleyball and football… well everyone else played, I took on the ‘water boy’ role as I quickly learnt my skill set needed a bit more work before I joined in.

We wrapped up the evening by celebrating one of our friends birthdays at Lucky Strike bowling. It was so nice to catch up with all of our friends. Everyone is so busy pursuing their dreams that it is not all that often we all get to be in the same spot at the same time, so Saturday was extra special for everyone.

Easter Sunday and the wrap up of the weekend was just perfect. We had church in the morning, followed by tea and cake and then I spent at least three hours cuddling a puppy. Yes it may have been one of the most perfect weekends to date.

I feel pretty elated going in to the week ahead after a weekend full of highlights, laughter and great conversations and I hope you all do too.

Sending lots of love.

Kimberley xx



Sophie Barker
Sophie Barker

Discovering awesome new tunes and the latest makeup trends are my main areas of expertise.I love being able to share with you all my favourite entertainment and beauty finds- If you have any questions regarding Beauty, Skincare and Entertainment don’t hesitate to get in touch! :)

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