Kimberley’s Blog: A Song for Everyone

Hey team,

As you may know I am an ambassador for the ‘For Everyone Charitable Foundation.’

I am so excited because the Foundation has just released a new charity single ‘A SONG FOR EVERYONE’. The first time I heard the song, I had it stuck in my head for hours. It is very catchy and it is such a feel good song.

The highlight of the process for me was everyone coming together one Sunday night at a school in Auckland to sing the song together. I remember taking a moment to step back and look at what was happening, there was literally not one person in the room without a smile on their face that stretched from ear to ear. Everyone who has been a part of bringing this song to life feels so passionately about the project and the good we can do.

I really encourage you to purchase the song and blast it from the speakers. 100% of the profits from each track downloaded goes to the foundation which in turn means that the foundation can provide more grants.

I am so proud to have been part of this project; I hope you love the song (and video) as much as I do.

Watch the video below and download the single on iTunes NOW!

Lots of love,

Kimberley x



Kimberley Crossman
Kimberley Crossman

Kimberley Crossman is a kiwi actress, author, and presenter. Oh and you are currently on her website reading a blog she has written.

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