Interview: Jade from Little Mix

Jade from Little Mix spills the latest new from the band, how she deals with social media and her turn up jam.

I consider myself very lucky that I get opportunities to interview some amazing talented artists who are at the top of their game. Every now and then you have one of those interviews that leaves you feeling like you have made a friend and that you now have a much deeper investment in their journey and you are in their corner that much more. For me that happened today, when I spoke on the phone to Jade from Little Mix.

At first our interview was a little delayed since the call was coming from the UK, through NZ and then to me in LA, but it wasn’t long till we found our rhythm. Jade was a pleasure to chat to; she had an infectious positive attitude and some great tokens to share.

Highlight of 2014 so far?

Our charity trip to Africa and opening for Demi Lovato in America.

Lowlight of 2014 so far?

Being away from family and friends, being home sick. It is the sacrifice you make when you have this career.

What makes Little Mix different/unique (you say to mixers to stay unique)?

We are four different girls, we are normal, not afraid to be funny and have fun.

What gives you confidence?

The girls give me confidence, being around their positive energy. I think it is also something you learn, to be confident in your own skin.

What drives you?

After being on X-Factor I feel like we had something to prove and wanted to be so good that people would become fans. That drives me.

Best advice personal/professional?

Kill people with kindness.

Do you find it hard not to defend yourself on Social Media?

Yes, I don’t tend to worry to much about what people say about me, but I really have to hold back when people say things to my friends, I used to comment back but then one fan said to me, ‘how come you notice people being mean but you don’t notice your fans.’ After that I realised I needed to give my attention to those who support us not those who don’t.

What do you hope fans take away from your tour?

We are going to put on quite the show, lots of dancing and singing and dancing together is a challenge. After doing the half hour set opening for Demi, we quickly realised how fit you have to be to really carry an arena tour. I hope that people leave the show really impressed. We want it to feel like a party!

Advice for those wanting to pursue a career in the arts?

If this is really what you want, then know that you are going to have to work hard. Really hard, that you won’t sleep, you have to be away from your friends and family and the closer you get, the more pressure.

What have you learnt about yourself in the past few months?

That I am stronger than I think I am. I am proud that I can be in a hotel room alone in the crazy lifestyle I lead and be mentally stable and that I see the positives in things.

Turn up jam?

I love Katy Perry Dark Horse, we have been working on some new music and taking some inspiration from music we like. We are big fans of the sound of this song.

Guilty pleasure?

Biscuits. I have them every day. When I go away I always pack them in my luggage.

Message for NZ fans?

Just thank you all for your support. We will make it out to New Zealand as soon as possible!



Kimberley Crossman
Kimberley Crossman

Kimberley Crossman is a kiwi actress, author, and presenter. Oh and you are currently on her website reading a blog she has written.

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