Letters to Your Future Self

Letters to Your Future Self

Okay, writing a letter may seem a bit old-fashioned but I think you’re going to want to get out your nice pen for this one.

I saw a post pop up on my timeline by YouTuber Andrea Russett ( https://twitter.com/andrearussett/status/895500773341093888 ) – she had written letters to her future self. I love writing and thought this was an amazing idea so that in the future, I can look back to see how I was thinking, what I was up to – it’s like a diary but only opening it on a specific date. I guess it’s like a time capsule in a way but you don’t have to bury it (optional!).

I started picking up some cute stationery bits – cards, funky envelopes and stickers to create the keepsake letters. The choice is yours with a blank card or paper – when you want to open it, what topic you want to write about – the options are endless. I did find one of my fave stores Kikki K have bought out a Letters to Myself box with 12 specific question envelopes so I utilised both options. https://www.kikki-k.com/letters-to-myself-box-inspiration

I have a sentence a day journal that I write in which I align with an activity like this, as it gives you an opportunity to look back on the past year(s) and view how much your thoughts have changed and what you’ve learnt, grown and experienced in that time. I’ve started writing around the below themes…

  • What’s happening in the world right now?
  • What you hope to have achieved in 1 year, 2 years, 5 years time.
  • The biggest lessons you’ve learnt…
  • What you’re grateful for…
  • What are you saving for…
  • What have you conquered but never thought you would and what’s next on the list?
  • List five things that were ‘wins’ for you this week…
  • What was the last dream you had?
  • What do you envision your dream home to look like – where is it in the world?

However you go about this activity – even if you’re not much of a writer and want to jot some notes down digitally – I highly recommend it, it’s a brain detox – get all of your thoughts, goals, aspirations and inspirations out there, written down in front of you so you can tackle them now. Do your future self a favour…




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