What’s In Your Handbag: Sally Martin

This month we take a look at what Shortland Street star Sally Martin has in her handbag.

1. Old faithful Maybelline Great Lash mascara in blackest black. It’s been my one and only favourite for years.

2.  Brushes – a set of gorgeous pink ones from Phoenix House of Make-Up. Love them!

3. Extra spearmint gum

4. My iPhone

5. A little pottle of Blistex

Click to like Impulse on Facebook6. Phoenix Bronzer

7. Mini white Samsung camera

8. Aesop Rosehip Seed Lip Cream – it is amazing!

9. L’Oreal eyeliner

10. Tweezers


“I always have a perfume rolling around in there somewhere. I just discovered YSL “Paris” duty free. Sunnies – imperative. Splenda sweet tablets for when I forget to ask for sugar in my takeout coffee and MAC Concealer.” – Sally Martin.



KimberleyCrossman.com team
KimberleyCrossman.com team

Hazel is always immersed in the entertainment world - from tour managing boybands to contributing on KCDC to working on massive events and interviewing international talent.

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