Wellbeing: Break Your Routine

Coming home after a hard day at work or university can leave you feeling exhausted and unmotivated. Whilst working and studying, your need of adventure is no longer a priority. But that doesn’t mean you can’t try and create a bit of excitement in your day-to-day activities.

Staying in bed is all too tempting, so it is important that you really learn to seize the day! Have a shower, put on your favourite tunes and get moving.

Even though these ideas may sound boring, getting out of the house and seeing loved ones can be the best therapy.

  1. Grab a coffee with a relative or friend you haven’t seen in a while. Seeing a familiar face might be just what you need. Who doesn’t love a good catch-up?
  2. Find a walking track in your area you are yet to explore, and take a camera incase you see any cool wildlife along the way.
  3. Ever heard of Laughter Yoga? Sounds interesting but believe me it is a wicked idea. Laughter is the best medicine and is a great way to de-stress. There are many places that offer this service throughout New Zealand.
  4. Make some goals for yourself. It is important to maintain your ambition whilst your motivation is lacking. Create a mood board or Pinterest account and plan some exciting future endeavors.
  5. Organise a road trip with your friends. And to be even more spontaneous you don’t even have to pick a destination. Blasting music through the car stereo and singing 90s classics makes for the perfect day spent with your loved ones.
  6. Try out your hand in the kitchen. Channel your inner Nigella Lawson and get creating. You could even organize a potluck dinner or bakeoff where you invite family and friends over to test your dishes.

The best way to create excitement in your life is to try something new everyday, whether its exploring new cafes or walkways, going to a local aerobics class or organizing a fun filled getaway.

Be prepared to see your happiness soar!



Sophie Barker
Sophie Barker

Discovering awesome new tunes and the latest makeup trends are my main areas of expertise.I love being able to share with you all my favourite entertainment and beauty finds- If you have any questions regarding Beauty, Skincare and Entertainment don’t hesitate to get in touch! :) hi@kimberleycrossman.com

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