Total Body Workout

These exercises won’t take much of your time but they will make a world of difference. Try these moves first thing in the morning, not only will they give you heaps of energy, they will also help boost your metabolism.


  • 30 Second Side Plank (Right)
  • 30 Second Side Plank (Left)
  • 10 Sit-ups
  • 15 Squats


  • 10 Push-ups
  • 30 Crunches
  • 30 Second Wall Sit
  • 10 Lunges (Alternate between left and right) 


  • 30 Second Side Plank (Right)
  • 30 Second Side Plank (Left)
  • 20 Sit-ups
  • 40 Bicycle Exercises
  • 10 Burpees
  • 25 Toe Taps
  • 15 Sit-ups
  • 30 Squats


  • 30 Second Side Plank (Right)
  • 30 Second Side Plank (Left)
  • 40 Second Wall Sit
  • 30 Crunches


  • 30 Squats
  • 30 Second Squat Hold
  • 20 Sit-ups
  • 30 Squats


  • 30 Second Side Plank (Right)
  • 30 Second Side Plank (Left)
  • 10 Sit-ups
  • 30 Kickbacks


There seems to be a lot of confusion in regards to the proper way to squat, this guide will tell you exactly how to carry out these exercises.


Full Squat

Start with your legs, Hips Distance apart; bend until your legs reach a 90-degree angle. Keep your chest up and your back flat.


Toe Taps

Lie on the ground and bring your legs up as if they were resting on a table. Tap your right heel to the floor and then the left.



Come onto all fours and kick your left foot back and then up (alternate between right and left feet). Keep your hips level!


Squat Hold

Station yourself in the squat position and hold for 30 seconds.


What are your favourite exercises to do at home or the gym?



Sophie Barker
Sophie Barker

Discovering awesome new tunes and the latest makeup trends are my main areas of expertise.I love being able to share with you all my favourite entertainment and beauty finds- If you have any questions regarding Beauty, Skincare and Entertainment don’t hesitate to get in touch! :)

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