Skin: Natural tips for glowing skin

Hitting the gym for an intense work-out or going for a run is definitely a no make-up zone, but sometimes none of us feeling like going foundation-free.

But what if you could get healthy, glowing skin without any beauty products?

Here are some tips for looking after your skin the natural way.


Did you know that your skin is your body’s biggest organ? Often it is the first to react if something internal is not quite right – which is why many people say eating too much junk food can cause blocked pores and pimples.

To keep it healthy and glowing, remember to eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and drink lots of water.


Why not get together with your bestie and make face masks at home? Ingredients such as banana and honey can really help your skin. The sugar in fruit and honey helps to give your skin cells energy and vitamins.


Okay, this sounds kinda gross – but sweating is totally good for your skin. It is known to unclog pores and release any yucky pimple-causing bacteria lurking around. Going for a quick run followed by a face wash and exfoliation could be the best natural beauty advice out!



Jess O'Connor
Jess O'Connor

A self-described ‘creative bookworm with an overactive imagination’, Jess is a freelance writer based in Auckland. She loves reading, writing, travelling, cooking and lazy days at the beach.

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