Kimberley’s Blog: Woman 2 Watch at Dio

Hey team,

I am back in NZ for the week and have been a busy little bee.

The trip back to New Zealand was to receive an award from my school. The Woman 2 Watch Award for 2013. I received the award on Monday and had some of my family and closest friends at the ceremony. It meant a lot to me to have everyone there. I am a big believer in sharing moments of your journey with those closest to you. I had the opportunity to speak and would love to share my speech with you all.

After the commencement of the ceremony and celebrations I jumped on a plane with Emmett to Wellington to host the Pepsi MTV VMA’s exclusive screening at the Reading Theatre. We watched the awards with the nearly 500 guests and in the breaks we played games, gave away loads of prizes and danced, danced and danced some more. I love hosting fun events like that. The highlight is always getting to meet and chat to everyone and make new friends.

I haven’t spent huge amounts of time in Wellington, but always enjoy it when I do visit. The city has a very cool vibe to it.

My week here is looking like a fun and busy one, filming with Jono and Ben and working on another cool film project that I will reveal some more about soon!


Kimberley xx



Sophie Barker
Sophie Barker

Discovering awesome new tunes and the latest makeup trends are my main areas of expertise.I love being able to share with you all my favourite entertainment and beauty finds- If you have any questions regarding Beauty, Skincare and Entertainment don’t hesitate to get in touch! :)

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