Kimberley’s Blog: Update from Edinburgh

Hey team,

Hope you are well. Sadly our time in Scotland is drawing to an end. I can’t believe it has been over three weeks since we arrived in Edinburgh.

I have fallen in love with the city and the festival. The city is so beautiful and old. Its elegance is just stunning and has been the focus of so many of my photos this week. I feel like a real tourist. The festival itself is now in full swing and I have seen so many fantastic shows and talented people that I feel almost overwhelmed, in a great way. Every show sparks ideas of my own and teaches me something about performing in one way or another.

Hamish joined Katie and I for a few days to help out with the show. We are quite the little dream team the three of us. We decided to begin the up-skilling and attended a workshop focusing on improvised musicals. We began with simple warm ups, then learnt basic song structure and how to add on information that cast mates had provided already. By the end of the session we had made an improvised opening number for a comedic musical about World War Two called tanks, guns and planes. A fun filled afternoon for sure. Not being a singer I felt a little out of my comfort zone, but learnt that if you commit and sing with confidence, the audience will love it. I actually picked up some great life tips, ‘make a decision and commit to it fully’.

Looking to our remaining few days here, they will be as action packed as those that have proceeded them, seeing shows and hanging out with our new friends we have made from our venues, hotel and from sampling chatting to other people who are taking part in the festival. Then we will head back to LA for auditions.

Kimberley xx



Sophie Barker
Sophie Barker

Discovering awesome new tunes and the latest makeup trends are my main areas of expertise.I love being able to share with you all my favourite entertainment and beauty finds- If you have any questions regarding Beauty, Skincare and Entertainment don’t hesitate to get in touch! :)

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