Kimberley’s Blog: Power Rangers & Stand Up

Hey team

Hope your week is kicking off nicely. I was pretty stoked with how my week went. I performed my first stand up set to an almost sold out crowd in Hollywood almost a week ago now.

I was petrified most of the day leading up to it, wondering why I had signed up for this voluntarily ha ha. As soon as I set foot on the stage, with the bright lights and a supportive crowd, all fear disappeared and I ended up having a great time. I was proud of myself for stepping outside my comfort zone and trying something new. I learnt a lot of new skill in the 6 weeks build up to our show that I feel I will be able to apply to acting, hosting and MC-ing as well.

The icing on the cake was passing my next level of comedy school at The Groundling theatre, home to some of the greats like my personal favourite, Will Ferrell. I am really enjoying working on my comedy and feel it gives me an edge and advantage in auditions too.

The rest of the week has been consumed with preparing to move closer to the city. Katie and I will be very sad to leave our home in Huntington Beach, but driving 2 hours morning and night every day to class has left us both exhausted. So we have decided to make the move and by this time next week we will be settled.

I attended my very first Power Rangers convention on Saturday. Being the first ever female Red Ranger, I was invited to sit on the panel with all the other Red Rangers that were in season before me which is very cool. I was surprised how many fans were excited to meet me and how dedicated they were to the show. It is such a cool feeling to have support from fans all around the world. Sometimes when you finish a project, the hype ends shortly afterwards. With Rangers, the hype is very much still alive and well and the fans are so amazing. A huge thank you to everyone who came out and who travelled from all over the world to attend the convention. I had so much fun.

I feel like there has been a lot of change happening recently, with friends, work, family and my environment. If you are experiencing this also, don’t fight it, change is great and when it all happens at once, I believe it is preparing you for something exciting that is looming just around the corner.

Have a great week.

Kimberley xx



Kimberley Crossman
Kimberley Crossman

Kimberley Crossman is a kiwi actress, author, and presenter. Oh and you are currently on her website reading a blog she has written.

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