Kimberley’s Blog: Party in the USA

Hey team, 

Wow, what an exciting week it has been. I landed back in the US to a wonderful surprise of having my two best friends stay over for a couple of days, which was lovely. I spend a lot of my time keeping in touch via messaging or calling so to actually be face to face was really nice.

It wasn’t long after I had hit the ground that I got through a very exciting audition for a project I am very excited to even be considered for. It was a challenging audition but I feel like I did a great job and hoping to get some feedback on that in the coming days.

The highlight of the week had to be being in Huntington Beach for July 4th. I didn’t realize how massive this holiday is here. In fact I really underestimated the scale on which it would be celebrated. From a massive parade, to houses being fully decorated, dress ups, closed streets and a massive fireworks display to top it all off. People really went to town on the festivities and I loved being part of it all. We spent the day on bikes and at the beach taking in all the excitement dressed in our red, white and blue.

I am happy to be back in America for a bit and to start school again. I am also taking a ‘stand up’ class so in 7 short weeks you will get to preview my very first attempt as a stand up comedian!

If you missed my ‘cool story bro’ on Jono and Ben, watch it out here:

Have a great week,


Kimberley xx




Kimberley Crossman
Kimberley Crossman

Kimberley Crossman is a kiwi actress, author, and presenter. Oh and you are currently on her website reading a blog she has written.

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