Kimberley’s Blog: One of those weeks

Hey team,
It has been an interesting week. I felt like my feet weren’t steady on the ground, as if there has been so much change in my life of late and I haven’t quite ‘settled’ leaving me feel a little shaky in my footing.

In an industry where self-assurance and clarity are key, I was not comfortable with feeling this way and didn’t know how to shake it. I am rarely full of any doubt, but I was having one of those weeks where I was questioning a few things. I also missed out on a few projects that I really had my heart set on and felt disappointed and upset.

In hindsight, I know that these feelings are a result of change, reevaluation and then re-focus… all good things. But when you are in the eye of a storm, often you can’t look at things with the comfort and assurance you can when looking back. Have you had those weeks where everything just seems out of your control? That you are just a passenger in your life and no matter what you do you can’t come up for air? The good news is we all have moments like this, we are human. But how do you overcome it? When you have these weeks, what do you do to rise above it?

I have kept busy, started singing lessons, voice acting and been busy with classes and plenty of homework… and the occasional episode of Teen Wolf!

Kimberley xx



Kimberley Crossman
Kimberley Crossman

Kimberley Crossman is a kiwi actress, author, and presenter. Oh and you are currently on her website reading a blog she has written.

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