Kimberley’s Blog: Miss Type A

Hey team,

By nature I am a planner and would consider myself Type A most of the time. However I am in an industry where you can barely even plan your day without everything changing.

Although I am used to that now and love my routine free lifestyle, I do tend to put a lot of focus on planning in areas that I can to help have some stability and direction. This can at times stress me out, feeling like I am running towards my goals and often not being present. So I have been making a conscious effort to make an adjustment and ‘enjoy the journey’ and be present when I am interacting with others. My brain moves very fast and at times rather than listening to people or engaging I am running through the long list of things I need to do or could be doing. Kim is attempting to retrain her brain! Can you relate to this at all?

This week I put myself in lots of social situations and was very present. I made sure I had managed my time so I was not stressed about not having homework done or responding, sounds pretty simple but even that slight change enabled me to chill out a bit.

I spent my week in class mostly and auditioning, with some exciting developments I will share next week.

A group of us went to Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Studios. They open up the park at night time and adjust all the rides to be Halloween inspired. They also set up mazes similar to Spookers in New Zealand. I was 100% predictable in my response to being scared – I scream and try to sit down…. I couldn’t be more submissive if I tried! Of course this made me a target for the actors who were dressed as Zombies.

Looking to the week ahead, I have a bit of filming and start back at the Groundlings comedy school this week which is always a bunch of fun.

Sending so much love to you all and hope that you are able to be present in your interactions this week.

Kimberley x



Kimberley Crossman
Kimberley Crossman

Kimberley Crossman is a kiwi actress, author, and presenter. Oh and you are currently on her website reading a blog she has written.

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