Kimberley’s Blog: Living Fearless

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Doing the #yearofnofear is one of the best things I have ever done. Acknowledging the activities or situations that make me uncomfortable or scared and doing them anyway. A way to force myself of my comfort zone and push my own limits and boundaries. The results? Nothing but great experiences and personal growth.

This past week has been full of epic adventures, kicking off the New Zealand Summer in the best possible way.

First stop was Bluff to swim with Great White Sharks thanks to Shark Dive NZ. This has been on my bucket list for years for a number of reasons. I am a huge Shark fan and I love learning about animals and seeing them in their natural habitat. I have always been curious about Sharks and when the opportunity came up to get up close and personal with them I couldn’t have been more excited. I know there is a lot of debate around cage diving and I would like to make it clear that in no way were we baiting, feeding or taunting these amazing animals. We took the boat to a spot where they frequent and just hoped that they would be there and be curious enough to come and check us out. Almost immediately after we dropped the anchor a young male showed up to say hey. I couldn’t get in the cage fast enough. Even the sudden shock of the freezing cold water wasn’t enough to detour me from staying under as long as I physically could to watch three different sharks swim around us as we marveled at their peacefulness and beauty. If you have any interest in Sharks or the desire to see these amazing giants of the sea I would thoroughly recommend this experience. You not only stepping outside your comfort zone but you leave with such a love and admiration for the sharks and learn so much from the team of experts on the boat! By far one of the coolest things I have done to date! Thanks

A trip to the South Island wouldn’t be complete without stopping off in Wanaka and Queenstown. So a quick action packed day trip took us to the NEVIS a 135meter Bungy Jump at AJ Hackett Bungy as our first stop. Having never bungy’d before I was all talk till I was standing with my feet over the ledge and then this wave of fear kicked in and my throat got dry and my palms were wet. Something in me allowed me to dive off the edge without too much stalling and I am so glad it did. It was a long 4 seconds of free falling before you are caught by the ropes but I have the proof that I was smiling on the way down ha ha. What a rush and definitely something I would do again!

Next stop was Oxbow in Wanaka to play with some of their epic toys with some of New Zealand’s most beautiful landscape as a backdrop. Clay bird shooting, archery, knife throwing and test-driving a new off road buggy filled the afternoon and resulted in many a competition naturally. Turns out I have a hidden Archery talent that I was not aware of… a little to late to be cast in the Hunger Games but something to add to the résumé no doubt.

Now back in the North Island and looking forward to some more adventures to wrap up 2015. Step outside your comfort zone these holidays and try something new!



Kimberley Crossman
Kimberley Crossman

Kimberley Crossman is a kiwi actress, author, and presenter. Oh and you are currently on her website reading a blog she has written.

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