Kimberley’s Blog: Crazy busy week in NZ

Hey team,

I’m getting ready to head to a cheerleading competition to film for The Erin Simpson Show. I can’t wait to see all the teams compete. I already know it is going to make me want to join in!

Looking back at the week that has been ‘busy’ would be the best way to describe it. All wonderful things that are going on, just lots of them, so my time management skills really had to come in to play.

We launched our crowd-funding project on to raise funds to produce a documentary tackling the topic of Tall Poppy in New Zealand. Check out the project by visiting

The goal is to raise $55K to really explore this topic, where it comes from, the affects on society and how we can create a positive change. I have been working with Jono and Ben on the new season of their show. Check out our parody of Inception.

I also did The Next Actor sketch that I will post later this week

One of the highlights of the week would have to be watching the All Blacks game with some of my closest friends last night. I am so blessed to have so many wonderful and talented people around me who are so loving and supportive. Always make sure you tell your friends how important they are to you. Gratitude is key.

Kimberley xx



Sophie Barker
Sophie Barker

Discovering awesome new tunes and the latest makeup trends are my main areas of expertise.I love being able to share with you all my favourite entertainment and beauty finds- If you have any questions regarding Beauty, Skincare and Entertainment don’t hesitate to get in touch! :)

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