Kimberley’s Blog: Breakers & NZVMAs

The week that was, well, pretty fun actually. Despite being relatively stressed out with auditions this week I really managed to fit in lots of activities

. Stand out activities would have to be the Vodafone Music Awards. It is always a great night, everyone looks fantastic, there are great performances and more than a few memorable moments. I wish Film and Television in NZ had a big night like this on this scale, it really is so much fun and allows everyone to get a taste of the industry. Broods were the stand out performance for me, I am really excited to see what they do in 2015, I have a feeling it will be big.

I caught up with Jono and Ben and filmed a parody of Home and Away meets Shortland Street for their one hour 7:30pm special that aired on Friday. I really enjoy working with the team on JABAT they are so good at what they do.

To wrap up the weekend I attended my very first Breakers game at Vector. We were seated right next to the bench and literately could not have been any closer unless we were on the court, which was very cool. I also realised just how short I really am.

Activities aside, my brain has been a little all over the show, nearing the end of the year I have been trying to reflect and at the same time plan my next moves so have been somewhere in the past and somewhere in the future and not really present at all.

I was listening to a talk by someone I admire who was discussing the power of choice. That ‘choice’ is the power that we have been granted in this life and it is interesting to see what types of choices and decisions people make. Those who make bold decisions tend to make big changes in their lives and ultimately the world, but more often than not, people make small decisions based on fear or the fear of changing their current circumstance. Do you make bold or small decisions in life? Are you driven by fear? Does fear play a factor in your decision-making?

Love to hear what you think.

Kimberley xx




Kimberley Crossman
Kimberley Crossman

Kimberley Crossman is a kiwi actress, author, and presenter. Oh and you are currently on her website reading a blog she has written.

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