Kimberley’s Blog: Birthdays and dancin’

Hey team,

I hope you have had a great week. I spent the weekend in a workshop and celebrating birthdays.

I have been pretty much head down in classes and auditioning this past week and I couldn’t be happier knowing most of the hours in my day are being spent upskilling and learning more to add to my resume. I have been taking voice over classes with one of the top agents in the LA. Learning the tips and tricks of voicing animation and commercials. I have done a bit of this in the past, but mastering it with the American accent requires a little more work from my end.

The highlight of the week had to be going to the Rose Bowl to see One Direction play. It was awesome to see how far they have come and how they own the stage in front of 60,000 people is a pretty amazing experience. The girls and I danced till we had blisters on our feet! Such a great night.

This week is already off to a great start. I have a few exciting auditions and filming with some friends for a cool project this coming weekend. It is such a gift to be surrounded by so many creative people every day; it really is inspiring and motivating to get you up and active every day developing new ideas.

I feel I have come out of the little episode I had last week of not feeling great. Sometimes when I am not quite where I want to be, through no lack of trying I get frustrated with myself. Patience is something I need to work on.

Sending so much love to you all.

Kimberley xx




Kimberley Crossman
Kimberley Crossman

Kimberley Crossman is a kiwi actress, author, and presenter. Oh and you are currently on her website reading a blog she has written.

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