Kimberley’s Blog: Birthday fun

Hey team,

I am another year older after the weekend! Whoohoo.

I had such a wonderful birthday and thank you all for your birthday wishes. I celebrated at home with an afternoon tea party with some of my closest friends and family. I was so stoked to see everyone, with filming it has been hard to catch up with friends so it was really nice to have everyone in the same room. We played games, ate loads of cake and the best part was that we all used my Nanas amazing tea cups. She passed away last year so it was nice to have her remembered and be part of the festivities in some way.

My favourite gift was a new pair of ballet shoes from my Mum -  I’m looking forward to getting back in the studio and hoping that it won’t take me too long to get back in to it.

Filming this week for both projects has been fun, but definitely have felt a little tired, working days and nights and trying to sleep in the small windows I have had available. I was talking to my mum a bit about passion and how lucky I am that I am passionate about what I do. I couldn’t imagine working so hard for something that didn’t give me as much joy and drive and excitement as acting gives me, and for that I am incredibly grateful.

My mum has been such a star, when I come home at all hours after work she always greets me with a cup of tea. She really is the best and I am so lucky to have her.

I did make it up North on Friday to attempt to surf! I was struggling a little bit on my board and think I need to get a slightly bigger one while I am still learning. I want to be good by the time summer rolls around, so trying to put in as much time on the water as possible!

Thank you again to all those who reached out for my birthday, your kind words made my day.

Kimberley xx



Kimberley Crossman
Kimberley Crossman

Kimberley Crossman is a kiwi actress, author, and presenter. Oh and you are currently on her website reading a blog she has written.

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