Kimberley’s Blog: Bed rest and hospital

Hey team,

Well it sure has been an interesting week. Today actually marks one week since I have been sick. I’m still at home and on bed rest but I am feeling a bit better. I have received so many lovely messages so thank you all for reaching out.

I was in hospital with a really bad influenza virus that got into my blood and knocked me pretty good. I don’t think anyone enjoys being sick and I am not good at sitting still at the best of times let alone for an entire week. I am however well on the path to recovery and looking forward to getting back into things over the next few days but also making sure I don’t overdo it and risk a relapse. Please look after yourselves, this virus is nasty and I don’t wish it upon anyone!

Before falling ill, I did have a really fun day at For Everyone HQ with Dan Carter going through some of the funding applications to the For Everyone Charity. I am so pleased to be part of the team trying to make a difference in local communities in NZ. If you have a project that needs funding, click on the For Everyone tab above.


Here is to a happy and healthy week ahead!


Kimberley xx



Kimberley Crossman
Kimberley Crossman

Kimberley Crossman is a kiwi actress, author, and presenter. Oh and you are currently on her website reading a blog she has written.

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