Kimberley’s Blog: Back to reality

Hey team,

It is time to get back to reality. I have spent the past week in holiday mode splitting my time between Pauanui and Auckland.

My best friend from LA Katie, who has been staying with me, has been busy in the recoding studio laying down some tracks and I was fortunate enough to be there and see the entire process. So exciting. I even had a bit of a turn in the studio and we recorded a parody song we wrote about summer. Can’t wait to share it with you all.

Katie left to head back to LA two days ago and I miss her so much. It looks like I will head off in a week or so to begun pilot season – the busiest time of year for auditioning in LA.

I have had a very social past few days, with a BBQ at home with some of my closest friends and a night in Pauanui with friends and family. To top off the weekend I spent the night with my amazing agent Karen at her farm and fell in love with her miniature horses!

I definitely feel very relaxed and ready to take on 2013 after my break. I hope you all have taken some time to catch up on sleep and spend quality time with friends and family over the festive season.

Have you seen any of the For Everyone milk?? Make sure you have a look for some at your supermarket and you may see a new familiar face on the bottles…. ME! This is just the beginning of a very exciting project with Dan, Richie and Ali and their For Everyone brand/charity.

Kimberley xx



Kimberley Crossman
Kimberley Crossman

Kimberley Crossman is a kiwi actress, author, and presenter. Oh and you are currently on her website reading a blog she has written.

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