Kimberley’s Blog: Back from Thailand

Hey team,

I now sit rugged up in Auckland I am missing the intense heat constant chatter and laughter of Thailand and the 300 Kiwis who are all now back at home in a slight post holiday slump no doubt.

There is something to be said for group holidays. I think they are the epitome of travel. I love the communal breakfast; everyone splits off in to smaller groups to go for an adventure or to lounge by the pool. Then we all re-group for a very elaborate party in the pool or on the beach and dance into the wee smalls of the morning and get up and do it all again. I honestly would place the Thailand Grabaseat trip as one of my top holidays ever!

Carrying on from my last update, filming for the World’s first instagram episode with the Auckland Daze team has been a blast. Make sure you watch the 15 second episodes by following @akldze on instagram. The aim is to segway season one to season two in a fun, creative way. Definitely achieved, with guaranteed laughs.

Grabaseat and ZM organized a beach party that will be most peoples highlight to the trip I imagine. With great music, a buffet, fun happy people and sand between our toes, everyone was wearing a smile. The highlight for me during our last few days would be our trip to meet and ride elephants. As a person who is strongly against cruelty to animals I was anxious to see how the animals were treated after hearing some horror stories. This was not the case, the elephants were happy, well looked after, and had plenty of room to roam and explore. My favourite was a baby elephant, only 1 year old that was running and dancing and a little bit cheeky. They really are fascinating animals and so quiet.

Back to reality, but all fun stuff. If you are around tomorrow morning I will be on TVNZ Breakfast talking about our crowd funding project. Creating a documentary exploring Tall Poppy syndrome in NZ. Tune in about 7:45am TV1.


Also tomorrow afternoon #theassignment will launch – so excited for you guys to see this. Keep an eye on Twitter and Facebook for the links.


Kimberley xx



Kimberley Crossman
Kimberley Crossman

Kimberley Crossman is a kiwi actress, author, and presenter. Oh and you are currently on her website reading a blog she has written.

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