Kimberley’s Blog: Hashtaggers, Funny Girls and Perseverance

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What an amazing week it has been. My token for this week is to ‘believe in perseverance’. If you have a dream, find a way to make it a reality. I am a long way away from achieving the goals I have set for myself, but this week was one of those magical weeks where I had many moments that confirmed I am well on my way.

I’ve been filming for Hashtaggers E!’s first scripted comedy series. We have now shot all of season one and as soon as they called cut on our last shot it was hard to fight back the tears. I have absolutely LOVED working on this show and felt like everyone; cast and crew had the most wonderful time. We worked our butts off but were in a constant state of laughter for two entire weeks. The show comes out in February and I could not be more excited for you to see it. Fingers crossed for a second season.

My bestie Katie and I have been heads down generating our own content over the past few months. We have some big meetings for pitching some shows we have created and want to have a full body of work to present that represents our comedy best. It has made me a much better actor having the experience of being in the producing seat for sure. We will be releasing one of my favourite sketches this week.

Funny Girls is killing it in the ratings on TV3 – I loved the One Slap Make Up sketch – if you are not in NZ you can check out some of the sketches on their Facebook page.

It is Thanksgiving in the US this week and I haven’t been in the US over Thanksgiving so I am really excited to experience it. We are off to Green Bay to attend the Green Bay Packers home game on Thanksgiving night.

The last few months has been one of fruition in the working arena and I couldn’t be happier. Hard work will pay off. If you are working towards something, give it 110% and it will result in success for you. I promise.

Kimberley xx



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