Kimberley’s Blog: Meeting the refugees of Syria

Hello everyone,

I have just arrived back in Los Angeles after spending a week in Jordan with World Vision. This year all the money raised from the 40 Hour Famine will go to helping refugees in Jordan, so getting the opportunity to be on the ground with World Vision and see the work they are already doing to help with this crisis was something I was really passionate about being a part of. I will be working with Shannon Ryan this year, and together we will be leading Team Red.

Prior to the Jordan trip I would say I knew a ‘bit’ about the climate of the war in Syria. I knew that the war has been going on for about five years and that this is the largest humanitarian crisis that the world has ever seen. Although I try to stay informed on world events and be well read, I am guilty of existing in my own bubble too, spending most of my energy and time working on achieving my goals in Los Angeles rather than dedicating a good amount of time each day keeping my finger on the pulse of all the current events. Something I want to be more intentional about from now on.

I went in to the trip expecting what I would see and hear to take an emotional toll. However, now that I am back I feel that this experience, although hard to stomach in some moments, has enriched my life and left me excited to really be a voice and help make a positive difference for the people who have been and continue to be affected by this war.

I wanted to share with you all the notes I sent to my family after each day. It is important to me to share these how I wrote them initially as it reflects exactly what I was feeling each night.

I will post again, many times I am sure reflecting on my time in Syria and my plans to help push towards raising funds and awareness for these refugees. But first I wanted to share with you this as it is a reflection of part of my time in Jordan as it happened. After marinating on the week I am sure I will draw some more conclusions and feel like I have my thoughts in more of an order.

Hope you enjoy this and it opens your heart a little.

Thank you for reading.

Kimberley xx



Kimberley Crossman
Kimberley Crossman

Kimberley Crossman is a kiwi actress, author, and presenter. Oh and you are currently on her website reading a blog she has written.

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