Health Benefits of Walking

People tend to think of exercise as being something hard and gruelling, but this isn’t always the case. If you don’t like sweating it out at the gym or running until your legs are sore, then why not try something a little different?

Believe it or not, walking is a great way to stay fit and healthy. A stroll around your neighbourhood once a day can do wonders for your mental and physical health, and best of all – it’s free!

Here are the top three health benefits of walking – why not make the most of the bright mornings at the moment and get your walk on before winter arrives?


Next time you feel a bout of the blues coming on, grab your walking shoes and head out for some fresh air. A short walk can have you feeling better and more positive in no time. What’s more, as with any other regular exercise, making time to walk at least 3-5 times a week can have improve your long-term mental health.

#2 FAT BURNING & MUSCLE TONINGWant sexy, toned legs? Then hit the pavement! Walking is great for your legs and even better for your heart. Your overall fitness and body image will improve as you get faster and stronger – a win-win situation.


You’re probably not thinking about things like cancer or diabetes right now, but it’s good to know that walking can help minimise the risk of developing a chronic disease. Always a bonus!



Jess O'Connor
Jess O'Connor

A self-described ‘creative bookworm with an overactive imagination’, Jess is a freelance writer based in Auckland. She loves reading, writing, travelling, cooking and lazy days at the beach.

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