Get Inspired : How To Declutter

Have you ever felt like you may be becoming a hoarder? Or just keep clothes you don’t even wear with the hopes of needing later in the future? Or maybe you just feel like you need to let some things go, maybe get a refresher. Well I have felt all of the above. Once I simplified my life and my closet I felt a lot more light and refreshed. It was a new wave of perspective and freeing to move forward and leave the old things behind.


Cleaning Out The Closet

I have accumulated A LOT of clothes over the past years. Some of them I haven’t worn and some even still have tags on them. One day I realized I only wear a few items out of closet most of the time, but I have all of these freakin clothes in the way. Not until I had to live out of my suitcase for 6 months did I make the decision to throw it out. It gave me more space in my closet and less options to waist time over. I ended up selling what was still in good shape and made some great gas money and gave the rest to goodwill.

Bathroom Cabinets

I don’t know about you but I collected a lot products: makeup, cleaners, shampoos, beauty wonders, makeup bags, hair accessories, you name it. I hardly ever used any of it but once. I just kept it there for maybe someday. Let me tell you if you don’t use it on a regular bases you are NEVER going to use it again! I threw it all out. I have the simplified to the necessities; toothbrush, paste, face wash, etc.


Ok, so I like to keep important paperwork just incase I ever need to come back to it or what have you. But it was starting to become way too much. There is only so much room in my apartment for a huge tree. So I simplified down to one file cabinet and I only keep what is important. Everything else goes in the trash. If there is paper on the desk, kitchen counter, or wherever. Go through what you need and throw the rest out! Every year I go through the cabinet and clean out what is old.

Simplify. Simplify. Simplify.



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