Ah, New Year’s Eve – How To Do It Right!

The night of endless possibilities. The night where anything and everything can happen. If Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year, then New Year’s Eve is definitely the most magical.

Except, of course, sometimes it’s not. We put so much pressure on ourselves (and each other) to have THE.BEST.NIGHT.EVER. To indulge and party until the wee hours of the morning and to do things you wouldn’t normally do for the heck of it. And for the single ladies like me, who are we going to kiss when midnight rolls around!?


There are so many expectations that weigh down New Year’s Eve, and when it inevitably doesn’t match up to the ideals we had in our mind, we end up disappointed. But what if we told you this year could be different? Here are some things I keep telling myself lately as I prepare for the first day of 2018:

  1. Do what YOU want to do – don’t give in to the pressure of doing what everyone else wants to do. I once spent New Year’s Eve at home with a cuppa, lit up a few candles, started writing my goals for the year, and watched the movie ‘New Year’s Eve’ before midnight. On the otherhand, I’ve also had one year where my friends and I hit the clubs and counted down to the new year with the rest of the party-goers in town. I guess what I’m saying is, is that you have to do what feels right for you at that time.
  2. Get creative – you don’t have to shell out big bucks to have a good time. How about hosting a blind wine tasting evening with friends? You can get everyone to bring wine to taste test, make a little cheese platter, and have fun guessing what type of wine it is. One of the best New Year’s Eve I’ve had was at a friend’s dingy old student flat that was decked out in a ‘Hawaiian’ theme complete with a paddling pool and fake sand. Low-budget, yes. But it was so much fun!
  3. Don’t forget to say thank you – say thank you to the year that’s been for all the blessings and lessons, no matter how painful they were. Say thank you to the people who’s been there for me for always cheering me on and picking me back up. I love taking some time out before midnight to send them a text or give them a phone call and wish them a happy new year! Tidy up loose ends, let go of the things that are weighing you down, and make sure you don’t bring that with you to the new year. I start by saying thanks.

The truth is, is that there is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ way to ring in the New Year. Whether you’re partying the night away and hitting the town, at a music festival, on a campsite, or just at home with your nearest and dearest, I hope you feel like you have a lot to celebrate and be thankful for.

Because that’s what New Years Eve to me is about – a chance to reflect on the year that’s been and to put it all behind you when the clock strikes 12.  So as we pop open that bottle come December 31st, I hope you remember the good that 2017 brought, and the lessons learnt this year and let it guide you for the year ahead. Wishing you a happy happy New Year! May 2018 be the year we live our best lives, on and off Instagram.






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