Autumn viewing to get cosy with this season

I’m writing this while wrapped up in a big fluffy robe and buried under a duvet. It’s not even officially Winter yet but this is the state of things. Not that I’m complaining or anything. In fact, I welcome the cold. I’m excited to wear layers, for longer nights, and for soups and hot drinks.

But most of all, I’m excited to stay in with some snacks and get comfortable on the couch with some good binge watching material. It seems more socially acceptable to decline invites during this time of the year because everyone just wants to be indoors and bundled up in layers, right?

So without further ado, here are some Autumn viewing classics to get you in the mood. Our pro tip? Prepare snacks and drinks in advance because you’re going to be glued to the screen for a long time…

You’ve Got Mail

Okay let’s get one thing clear: You’ve Got Mail is an every season watch. Winter, Spring, Summer, or Fall, there is no right or wrong time to watch this. I think it counts as a Christmas film, even. This Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks movie is a true classic. Remember back in the 90s when they did rom coms together? Long before Tinder and swiping left (or right?) was a thing, there was dial-up internet and anonymous chatrooms. This charming rom com is everything good about the genre. Trust me.

Autumn Dreams

This film is SO bad it’s almost… good. I included it not because it’s literally an Autumn film judging by the title but because it really does make you dream about Autumn. I don’t want to go into too much detail and giveaway the plot because it is a Hallmark movie and I’m sure we all have an idea about how it’s going to end anyway. Which I guess makes it the perfect Autumn film – comfort viewing at its coziest.

Remember the Titans

Fall football. This film will make you want to play! This sports drama is equally inspiring and filled with life lessons as it is filled with Autumn vibes. If you’re coupled up right now, this is also the perfect watch while you cuddle up on the couch.

500 Days of Summer

Perhaps including this film on this list is a bit of a stretch but you know what? That is a risk I’m willing to take. This film is a modern classic. The rom com of the millennial generation. Zooey Deschanel and JGL walking around IKEA holding hands and referencing The Smiths? Generation defining! Plus we all know what comes after Summer both in season and the film…

Game of Thrones

You really didn’t think we’d have an Autumn themed things to watch and not include this, did you? Winter is coming. Literally.




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