Get Inspired: Don’t be a dick

Don’t be a dick I went back and forth about posting this article and then reminded myself how important it is to be transparent and authentic with you all.

In my industry there are people who are assholes. I’m sure that is true for all industries but I can only speak from my own reality and experience. I have a ‘new’ policy that I have put in to action recently called the ‘no assholes’ policy. That is true for not only work, but for my social circles. It is so so so incredibly important to be mindful and intentional about who you surround yourself with. There is a theory that all successful people have three essential people in their life

  1. A person who is older and more successful than you to learn from
  2. A person who is equal to you to exchange ideas with
  3. A person below you to coach and keep you energized

I agree with this theory and also have been very intentional of late who I’m giving my time and energy to and really listening to my gut as who I can tell is good or not good for me. It should also be noted that just because someone is not a good person to have around you for your happiness or energy, that doesn’t mean they are a ‘bad’ person – perhaps just their energy, opinions or outlooks don’t match where you are at, at this stage of your journey.

I’m of the mindset that you should always act out of love, be kind and attentive with all those you come in contact with and to be a light and encourager.

I have zero interested in working with, hanging out with or conversing with assholes. I can be pleasant and cordial and then know when to walk away or move on.

  1. Don’t give assholes any of your energy or let them take yours – you are 100% in control of your energy and what you let effect you
  2. Don’t be an asshole – always treat people with respect

Surround yourself with people who ADD to your life. We are reminded all to often how short life can be. Make sure you are giving your time to people who deserve it and who are encouraging your growth.



Kimberley Crossman
Kimberley Crossman

Kimberley Crossman is a kiwi actress, author, and presenter. Oh and you are currently on her website reading a blog she has written.

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