Kimberley’s Blog: Life lessons & SXSW

Hey team,

‘Don’t worry about what you can’t control’ – I think this has to be my lesson for the week. I really struggle with trying to make sure everything and everyone around me is ‘all good’.

I find when I am struggling to manage my own chores; activities and work sometimes when you take on the problems of others it can be overwhelming. I fell victim to that this week spending too much time building others up that I ended up neglecting what I needed to do for me to function. I already know I am no good to anyone if I don’t eat, sleep and get tasks completed yet I constantly find myself time poor and stressed at a time that it matters most for me to be ‘on’. I am sharing this because I am sure you can all relate and therefore and putting it out there for us all to keep ourselves in check and make sure that we are taking time to look after ourselves as well as others. You can control your schedule and the energy you put in to yourself and others, so make sure you take time to ensure you are happy and healthy and have enough sleep!

It really has been an exciting week too – I booked my first big US role and start filming in a week. My first fitting was so much fun, my character Summer brings the ‘light’ to the show in her numerous outfits. I am so excited to start work. The show format is different than any other show I have worked on before so I am a little nervous.


Check out our latest SNL show below. I am really loving working with After Buzz TV and learning more and more each week about the comedy world here in the US.



I went to Big Bear, a mountain town a few hours out of LA. It was AAAAMAZING. It has been a while since I have seen the snow and was a nice little get away and get back to nature moment for me. I spend most of my days indoors or in a classroom here in LA, a direct contrast from my lifestyle in New Zealand. I didn’t realise how much I was craving the outdoors till I got there! It really is a stunning place and I can’t wait to go back!


Deathgasm premieres in Austin, Texas in a couple of days – I have never been to Texas! Expect to see lots of photos of me enjoying the SXSW festival and loads of BBQ food. Any suggestions of things to do / see in Austin?


Have a great week and be kind to yourself

Kimberley xx



Kimberley Crossman
Kimberley Crossman

Kimberley Crossman is a kiwi actress, author, and presenter. Oh and you are currently on her website reading a blog she has written.

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