Kimberley’s Blog: LA fun!

Hey team,

What an exciting week it has been. I have had a little bit more free time over the past few days so have been able to hang out with friends and see more of the city.

It is so important to take time out to reflect and surround yourself with good people. I feel very blessed that over the past week I have been around some very talented and inspiring people.

One of my highlights would have to be going to the IO West Improv Musical show in Hollywood. They take an idea from the audience and then proceed to perform an hour long improvised musical about the topic. It was fantastic, hilarious and very very good. I spent most of the hour hunched over from laughing so much.

I am due back in NZ next week to film for an exciting project and in between auditioning over the next few days I will be dedicating my time to all of the preparation needed for the role. I am looking forward to playing a very different character than ever before and stepping up to the challenge!


The Best of the Box awards are coming up and you can vote for your favourite shows and personalities. Both The Erin Simpson Show and Jono and Ben are nominated so make sure you take a few minutes to vote.


This week I encourage you to spend time with friends, laugh a lot and do something every day that pushes you towards your goals.


Kimberley xx



Kimberley Crossman
Kimberley Crossman

Kimberley Crossman is a kiwi actress, author, and presenter. Oh and you are currently on her website reading a blog she has written.

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