Kimberley’s Blog: Step Dave & Pauanui

Hey team,

I hope you have had a great start to the week.

I have been busy filming the last few episodes of Step Dave. Super excited to announce that it will be playing on TV2 in just a couple of weeks! I have thoroughly enjoyed working on the show and flexing my comedic and dramatic muscles with juicy story lines.

We filmed in the Shortland Street studios this week so I got to catch up with some of my old cast mates and the crew there. I miss them so much. After working in one place for almost six years you build such strong friendships and it was so nice to reconnect with some of them this week. One of my greatest joys is catching up with people who you may not have seen in a while and you just click and it is as if you haven’t spent a day apart. Have you ever experienced that?

I spent the weekend with my family in Pauanui making the most of our time together before I head back to the US. Family time is really important. This year one of my goals is to have 10 people who I want to dedicate my ‘free time’ to. I tend to give my time to lots of things and end up with not much time to spend with my closest friends and family so 2014 I am dedicated to being better with my ‘free time’ time management.

How are your goals going for 2014? Is the year off to a good start?

Kimberley xx



Sophie Barker
Sophie Barker

Discovering awesome new tunes and the latest makeup trends are my main areas of expertise.I love being able to share with you all my favourite entertainment and beauty finds- If you have any questions regarding Beauty, Skincare and Entertainment don’t hesitate to get in touch! :)

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