Kimberley’s Blog: Get festive!

Hey Team,

Christmas is almost here and I love Christmas. I know lots of people are on the fence about it but you can’t really hide from it so it helps if you can embrace it and make Christmas full of fun and laughter and ‘spreading the Christmas cheer’.

I might sound a little optimistic but I have seen so many people in the last week who are anti the festive spirit and it was upsetting. It has been a big year for everyone, full of highs, lows and probably too much stress and not enough relaxation. But whoever you are Christmas time is the perfect time to look back on the year that has been and look forward to the year ahead. There is an abundance of ways you can help others and give back. So even if you don’t want to get caught up in the consumerism side of the event that is Christmas, you can do something good and change someone else’s day very easily.

I recommend setting yourself a few challenges in the week leading up to Christmas day, reach out to extended family, a phone call can mean the world to someone.

Be charitable – donate to those who are in need.

Smile – people tend to be quite stressed at the end of the year, use your manners and smile.

In other news, I have spent my week filming and doing some publicity for my new shows. I am so excited for them to launch early 2014 and can’t wait for you all to see. I have my final night in the Christmas play this Friday, and then it’s off to the beach with the family for some good quality time with sand between our toes before we ring in the New Year.

What are your plans?

Kimberley xx



Sophie Barker
Sophie Barker

Discovering awesome new tunes and the latest makeup trends are my main areas of expertise.I love being able to share with you all my favourite entertainment and beauty finds- If you have any questions regarding Beauty, Skincare and Entertainment don’t hesitate to get in touch! :)

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