Kimberley’s Blog: All about fun

Hey team,

Welcome to April! Our theme at this month is FUN and our quote is “My goal is never to take LIFE so seriously that I forget that the whole point has always been to have FUN!”

This month we are encouraging you all to have fun, and to work out what it is that brings you joy and do more of that. Sometimes you have to set aside time to have ‘fun’ like hanging out with friends or doing an activity that you enjoy. For me personally, I love catching up with friends but I also really enjoy doing nothing, sitting on the couch in my comfy clothes, watching TV and napping, it doesn’t sound very exciting, but I honestly find that fun, especially when it has been a busy week. So this month I encourage you all to find a few different things that you find fun, and schedule time each week to actually dedicate to having fun.

I have had a busy week with classes, workshops and homework so I have spent most of my weekend hanging out with friends, going to the markets and eating delicious food!

A group of us girls got together last night and spent the evening playing games and talking. We spoke about the importance of not letting your light get dim, and it was something I wanted to share with you all too. Sometimes we are the last people to notice when our own light is getting dim, we can get so busy and caught up with things that we don’t notice that we are lacking in confidence or joy and if we don’t take time to check in with ourselves we can find that when we do, we have let our light get so dim that it is even harder to reignite it! So if you feel your light not shining too bright, my advice is to avoid being alone, get together with friends, get your body moving too by working out, and stick to healthy eating so you can have a clear mind and that should help you get back on track too.

I am looking forward to the week ahead; I can really not believe we are already in April! Lets make it a good one and most of all, lets all have fun!

Kimberley xx



Kimberley Crossman
Kimberley Crossman

Kimberley Crossman is a kiwi actress, author, and presenter. Oh and you are currently on her website reading a blog she has written.

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