How To Get Your 5+ A Day

Do you eat five or more servings of fruits and vegetables every day? This is the recommended intake as set by health professionals, yet many people struggle to consume enough – especially if they eat a lot of processed food and takeaways.

It is important to eat 5+ a day as fruits and vegetables are good sources of essential vitamins and minerals, that help your body stay healthy, strong and free of infection.

The good news is, with these tips and tricks it is easy to incorporate more than five servings daily.


Make a rule to always eat a piece of fruit with breakfast. I like to have an apple or some berries on my cereal, or enjoy banana on toast. Alternatively, you could have a homemade fruit smoothie or juice!


To fit in vegetables with lunch, I love fresh salads in the summer time. In winter, hearty vegetable soups and casseroles are delicious. You could also make a sandwich full of lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers and other veggies. In addition, I love toasted pitas and wraps. Enjoy a piece of fruit with your lunch too.


Try to aim to include two servings of vegetables with your dinner. The last meal of the day is often warm, so you could have anything from steamed beans and broccoli to roasted potatoes and pumpkin.

In summer, my family always has a salad of some kind with every meal.


Another great way to get your 5+ a day is to snack on fruits and veggies. Pick a fruit you love and keep it in the fridge for when mid-morning or mid-afternoon hunger hits. I love fresh plums.

As for veggie snacks, carrot sticks with hummus are always a good call, or you could try chopping up fresh celery and capsicum.



Jess O'Connor
Jess O'Connor

A self-described ‘creative bookworm with an overactive imagination’, Jess is a freelance writer based in Auckland. She loves reading, writing, travelling, cooking and lazy days at the beach.

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