Career Profile: Sponsorship Communication Specialist

In this Career Profile we speak to Amy Radich who works for Vodafone New Zealand as a Sponsorship Communication Specialist.

Name: Amy Radich
Job Title: Sponsorship Communication Specialist
Company: Vodafone NZ

What does your job involve?
Day to day I manage relationships between a number of different Vodafone sponsor partners as well as the delivery of end to end campaigns under Vodafone Firsts and the Fantastic Fridays loyalty programme. Such as; TeamVodafone Sailing, Royal New Zealand Ballet, Vodafone Warriors & Vodafone New Zealand Music Awards.

How did you land your job?
I started off at Vodafone as an intern as a part of my co-operative placement at AUT where I studied a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Event Management. This was a great step in the door and from there I landed the awesome role of Brand Engagement & Sponsorship executive progressing into the role I have now.

What are some of the challenges in your position?
Like any role there are challenges that you come across, main one for me as cliché as it may sound is time especially when it nears the end of a campaign. I thoroughly enjoy what I do and it can often get very busy but it is one of those things where hard work & determination pays of in the end. Seeing the end result of a campaign or project is extremely rewarding.

What are the best perks about your job?
Working hard definitely pays off when you get to work with cool people and attend fun events. Even if it is for work. It is always a highlight to experience the best sport & music that NZ has to offer. I love attending the Vodafone New Zealand Music Awards, Royal New Zealand Ballet performances & Vodafone Warriors games. Doesn’t really feel like work when you can see the enjoyment customers get from attending things like this.

What’s the hardest part?
Work-life balance. It is so easy to get stuck into the routine of work, work & work. Work can get a little hectic at times and it is very important to still take time out for yourself and spend time with friends & family. It is all about planning and sticking to it to make sure you can have a good balance.

What subjects at school would you recommend students take?
At school I wasn’t entirely sure what I wanted to do when I left so made sure I kept a broad range of subjects to keep my options open. I am quite a creative person so did Design & Photography which I thoroughly enjoyed and knew I could do well in. I then took the likes of Maths and English to form a solid foundation to transition from school into Uni and ultimately into the work place.

Favourite quote?
Your mind is a powerful thing. When you fill it with positive thoughts, your life will start to change.

Best advice you’ve ever been given?
Professional: What you put in you will receive in return – Show passion and initiative in everything you do and it will show in the end results.

Personal: If it’s meant to be it will be. I am not for pursuing or pushing things that just aren’t meant to happen. I am all about things falling into place if they are supposed to.

Any other advice for readers?
It is important to form good relationships and work ethic from the beginning. Even if it isn’t required as a part of your studies I would recommend gaining as much work experience as possible even if it is unpaid. Even a part time job while at School or University is a great way to start building towards a strong work ethic.


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Hazel is always immersed in the entertainment world - from tour managing boybands to contributing on KCDC to working on massive events and interviewing international talent.

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