5 Minutes with…. Erin Simpson

This week we nabbed TV presenter Erin Simpson for a quick chat about life from children’s TV host to artist and Instagram.

You begun your career in children’s television before launching into your own show for five years. How did you get your start?
It was a timing thing, Facebook and social media were just starting to make a name for themselves so we pitched a show that would combine both social media and TV together and people loved the idea.

If you could highlight one segment, episode or interview as a favourite from The Erin Simpson Show, what would it be and why?
The ones where we gave back were always my fave, for example we rebuilt people’s houses after the earthquake and we built a whole park in a city because it didn’t have one. I also loved seeing normal everyday people be on TV and have their moment, lots of people were very shy so it was nice to be able to stand by them, coach them through it and make them shine.

How was your design/art brand born and what do you love most about creating your own pieces?
I used to draw a lot on all the planes I had to get around on so it’s just a few fave designs from all of those. It’s nice to be able to draw and paint, it makes for great personal gifts that you know will never be chucked out haha.

You currently are creating segment-style videos for your Instagram – what do you like most about using the platform? (Any challenges you’ve noticed having a part of your life online?)
I realised I needed a point of difference in order to stand out amongst the masses so I just continue to do infotainment TV yet on my Instagram. It’s good and bad, I love it because I can continue to create and people love it but when things go bad or I stuff up I don’t have a producer or director to stand up for me, the entire weight of the problem goes to my shoulders.

What does an average day look like for you?
Like your hands are full with shopping bags, someone throws an expensive vase at you and also the kitchen is on fire.

Where would we find you in your spare time when you’re not working on one of your projects?
Wrapped in my fiancé’s arms.

What have you learnt/experienced that you would tell your teenage/younger self if you could?
You won’t know if you don’t ask and go to the dentist lots because after you turn 18, you have to pay.

Is there anyone or anything (brand etc) that you would love to collaborate/work with in the future?
Yes lots and hoping to tick a few of them off soon.

What do you not leave the house without / if we tipped out your bag, what essentials would be in there?
A teaspoon, I always need a teaspoon, I currently have three in my handbag.

What is the best piece of life advice you’ve received / a mantra that you live by?
When someone stuffs up… “No one died, we are ok”.

If you were to pinpoint a highlight of the past year (personally or career), what would it be?
Meeting my soul mate, laughing a lot, sorting a few properties and discovering that Carmel Creme eggs are back!!

Where would you like to see yourself in one year, five years time?
Back on the TV, interviewing someone from The Erin Simpson Show couch.

You can keep up with Erin on her Instagram (@erinsimpson13).



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